English Only Please!

Learn English Faster. IIE Hawaii is an English Only Zone!

Big Benefits of English Only School

We want all students to get the most out of their English studies, and the best way to do this is to use English as much as possible. We also have students from many different countries, so it's important that we all use the same language. While in school, students and faculty must speak only English. English must be used before, during and after class. Students who wish to use another language must exit IIE.

English-Only Violations

First Time

The first time a teacher or staff member hears a student use a language other than English at school, the student will be issued a yellow warning card and the violation will be recorded in the student's file.

Second Time

The student will be issued a 2nd yellow warning card and must leave the school for the day. This is counted as an unexcused absence.

Third Time

The student will not be eligible to extend or re-enroll, and may even be terminated from the program. F-1 students would need to seek re-instatement from DHS if they are terminated.